Sunday, March 16, 2025
March 2025
2:58 PM

Staying Comfy September

It's time again for Staying Comfy.

Fall is just around the corner! How do you decorate for Autumn? Do you go on nature walks? How do you winterize your garden and plants? Are you still having to mow? Do you make fall crafts to sell at a festival? What's fun or comforting to you about starting back to school? What do you enjoy doing after school work or teaching is done?

We haven't even started decorating for fall yet! We sometimes make fall crafts in homeschool, and put them up on the bulletin board. That's on the agenda for the next couple of weeks.
We're having a good homeschool year so far. The kids enjoy all of us being around the table. Even their Dad does his homework at the table with us.
When our school day is over we all do our own thing. Me-usually housework, and computer, Gavyn usually listens to music, or watches a movie, Kayla- plays video games, or computer. Roy watches tv,gets on computer, or plays guitar. We usually try to get together, and watch a family movie or play a board game.

September is a time when you think of yard work, and leaf raking. We actually still have to mow spots in our yard where the grass hasn't dried up.

September is also a time for apples, apple cider, apple pie, and tales of Johnny Appleseed.

Have fun taking care of your family, staying comfy, and get ready for fall.

1 comment:

  1. I love the theme! Your pictures make me hungry.
    I also like hearing what you all are doing in homeschool. I like the part where Dad does his work at the table with the kids. Do the kids get to grade his papers? Just kidding. I love this. Thanks again for a great meme.
