Saturday, March 15, 2025
March 2025
7:43 PM

Staying Comfy October

In October, we sometimes go to the pumpkin patch with the homeschoolers. Actually They'll going next Thursday.

It usually turns a lot cooler in October, so we usually get our winter clothes ready. Coats are tried on for size, and made more accessible.

We don't really celebrate Halloween, per se. Mikayla does however dress up, and go "visiting", It's as much fun for the ones she visits, as for herself. She goes to see some of our elderly friends and relatives, as well as visiting the rest home. Occasionally we go to a harvest festival at a church too, that's always fun. This year I think my sister is having a wiener roast at her house. (Hint hint) lol Just kidding!
We tend to make lots of warm comfort foods too, especially toward the last of October when the fall chill sets in. One of our favorites is potato soup. One of Gavyn's favorites is chili, and we all love pumpkin pie. mmm

Thanks for reading. To read more Staying Comfy posts head on over to 1 Homeschool.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Meme! Hey, Let me know when Wilma has the hot dog roast. Just kidding. Tracy and I have been wanting to have one. Love the old fashioned pictures. We must be kin, I have already made potato soup. Thanks Tam.
