Tuesday, March 18, 2025
March 2025
4:59 AM

Staying Comfy June

This months Staying Comfy is about Independence Day, Summer, and how we celebrate them. Here at our house we sometimes go to a relatives for a visit, OR just stay home and grill out! Roy grills burgers, hot dogs, and sometimes zucchini squash!

Then we go to the local school to see the fireworks show. We have to sit on the top bleachers, according to Miss Kayla. Most times Gav won't get quite that far up. We sing the national anthem, and place our hands on our heart while saying the pledge. It makes me thankful to the good Lord for that privilege.

We're learning some new things in our devotionals during June this summer. You can read about that here. We also plan to participate in the library summer reading program this month.
We haven't been staying outside as much as I'd like though. I am allergic to something, :( and itch a lot, so I've been staying in more than usual.
I love summer though. It's my favorite season I think. I love spring, but I really love summer. You don't have to worry about it being too cold outside most times, even at night. I love looking at the stars. There's something just magical to me about a summer night.

Click here for more Staying Comfy.
Thanks for reading!
Sweet Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. Good Meme! How do you keep thinking of them? Sorry the allergy thing is still hanging in there. Hope you all enjoy the summer reading program. I'm glad they have that. Love the meme, thanks again.
